PlanetOne is a U.S. based, woman-owned company, with customers and business partners around the world.

Karen Davidson, Founder & CEO

The PlanetOne Company

The PlanetOne Company (PlanetOne) proudly provides manufactured products and business consulting services to partners around the world. From product development to online commerce and marketing tools, our mission is to make the planet a better place through everything we do.

From dietary supplements to biodegradable paper products and packaging, PlanetOne has an online shop for individual consumers and businesses to easily place orders at any time of day from any location in the world. Or, we offer business-to-business sales for business that prefer to work with directly with a dedicated account manager. Also, with our business concierge services, we offer our business partners with timely support for many business needs.

Let us help you find ingredients and packaging solutions, or connect you with products from our manufacturing partners around the world. If we don't have what you are looking for, we will find it for you, and we have a proven track record of success. PlanetOne will continue to bring the highest quality products, with a commitment to protecting the environment, to markets around the planet.

We strive for excellence, we act with integrity, and we create solution for our valued customers and business partners worldwide. We value our connections and partnerships. 

Our vision is a healthy planet
with healthy people living in harmony
with peace and joy in their hearts.

We value excellence, integrity, creativity, and interconnectedness.

We appreciate our customers and business partners worldwide.

We strive for growth and innovation.

We are PlanetOne.

Our Core Values

We set and achieve aggressive goals. We take ownership, celebrate successes and are responsible for results. We make clear choices, anticipate changing conditions and plan for the future.

We tell the truth. We keep our promises. We do right by others. We are open and transparent. We are courageous. We speak up. We ask for input. We make tough calls and say no when appropriate. We are honest, ethical and trustworthy.

We believe there is a solution to every problem. We use creativity to make an impact on others. In partnering with others, we find purpose and passion.

We value our realtionships. Through time and experiences, we have built a community that supports each other
and thrives together.